Up we go

A gift that struck a chord.
For a lifetime.

There was a first love.
Showed me a world
I dreamed of.
Living the artistic, creative life.

Three Winnie the Pooh books he gifted.
Unfamiliar at the time.
The love didn’t last.
The gift with me ever since.

I collected some special editions
later on,
like this little one.
It’s always near.
When in doubt,
lost for a moment,
how to tackle a problem,
a bit bored,
one way or the other,
I’ll pick it up.
and smile.

And for the first ten feet Tigger
said happily to himself,
‘Up we go!’
And for the next ten feet he said:
‘I always said Tiggers could climb trees.’
And for the next ten feet he said:
‘Not that it is easy, mind you.’
And for the next ten feet he said:
‘Of course, there is the coming-down too.
And then he said:
‘Which will be difficult…’
‘Unless one fell…’
‘When it would be…’
_ A.A. Milne