collect moments

The ‘crossover collective’ is a social machine that focuses on an ancient form of communication as social activity: collective embroidery. The machine was designed by Floor Nijdeken and on show during the tradeshow ShowUp, which was held in Amsterdam at the 2nd and 3th of February.
Like this focus on transfering knowledge or ‘heritage’ by interaction. Besides the fact that a lot of knowledge is getting lost by solely learning from books and nternet, there is less passing through of knowledge and inspiration by the seniors in the trade. Our society is also changing and people hardly communicate in real social exchange anymore. A lot of spotaneity is getting lost, which to me is one of the fun parts of life. Sitting together at this machine and sharing skills, stories, knowledge, having fun and having a little part of you left in an embroidered carpet. Couldn’t agree more with his slogan ‘collect memories, not things’.