Totally in love with the ceramics designed by Alissa and Nienke. The thing I love most about these cups is the soft blended color tones on which they state on their website:
‘We love crafts, colors and cups. This is coming together in a material experiment with pigment and porcelain; a research about the flowing of colors through liquid porcelain, resulting in a series of handmade and unique objects. Our cups might be messy, might be fixed, can be colorful or subtle, but are always created by the blending of the colored porcelain. The technique of pouring becomes visible in the final product and the moment of creation is frozen in the appearance of the cup. By following the colored patterns you discover the movements we made and get an insight in the process.’
It was so awesome to see this process live on show in the workshop of the VTwonen ‘Barn’ at the Woonbeurs 2013.